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Funded, in part, by a grant from The National NSF link
Science Foundation


Welcome to the EMYSystem.

The EMYSystem is an information repository supporting global turtle conservation. Our goal is to collect and provide current and historical data about turtle locations, and to help maintain the variety of turtles as part of the world's biodiversity. Unique to this site is our searchable World Turtle Database, where you can find more information about where various turtle species have been found. After nearly 2 decades Oregon State University can no longer host this site. So we have moved it to a commercial host provider. The taxonomic and mapping functionality for each species works, but some minor pages do not work. We are also undertaking the long term effort to update our taxonomy and add new distribution records.

We are now supported, in part, by the Turtle Conservancy and the John L. Behler Chelonian Center.

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of interest:

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